
Skin Tag and Pregnancy

raised moles

It’s pretty common for those who are pregnant to have or to get skin tags during their pregnancy. Yes skin tag pregnancy is possible. Skin tags in general are common. Most people in their life will get at least one skin tag. Well, that’s probably why you are here today. Perhaps you or your loved one has a skin tag.

What is a skin tag?

Skin tags are small pieces of fibrous tissue or skin that are attached to the body by a small stalk. Skin tags are apart of the body. They may resemble a small piece of rice or raised moles. Skin tags are not moles however, they are different kinds of skin growths. Skin tags can show up solo or can appear in a cluster. Each skin tag could be about 2-5mm in size. They aren’t painful, unless irritated or pulled on.

Skin Tags During Pregnancy


skin tag pregnant


Many women experience skin tags during their pregnancy. It’s important to remember that skin tags are harmless. They are noncancerous, benign skin growths but they are not very aesthetically pleasing. Skin tags can be caused by genetics and are for the most part hereditary. Most people whose family have skin tags will also get skin tags in their lifetime.

Skin Tag Pregnancy Connection?

There is a connection between skin tags and pregnancy. Not only do you get a little bundle of joy, but a little bundle of fibrous tissues. Many women experience skin tags during their pregnancy and also while nursing. Many women reported that during their 3rd trimester they saw that they experienced skin tags. Due to the change in hormones in the body, many experience skin tags. Throughout the entire pregnancy there are elevated hormone levels. There are many common places that a woman might experience a skin tag.

Common Places for Skin Tags During Pregnancy:

  • Abdomen
  • Neck
  • Groin
  • Armpit
  • Face
  • Nipple
  • Anus


Some don’t realise they have a skin tag!

They may not be aware of the skin tag due to its location. Location! Some ladies do not realise until after they have the baby that they have a skin tag in one 

of these places. Many areas like the groin and anus are out of eye sight until after the baby is born. Skin tags left untreated will not go away on their own unfortunately. So do please be aware that a skin tag anywhere on the body will stick around and may get larger in time. Also if you see a skin tag, there is a chance you will get more skin tags over time.

Safe Skin Tag Removal

It isn’t necessary to remove the skin tag you may get while during your pregnancy or after your pregnancy. However if you can not stand the sight of the skin tag you may want to consider a trip to the dermatologist’s office. They are many ways for them to remove skin tags without scars or scarring. There are techniques like cryotherapy for instance that literally works by freezing off skin tags. This procedure can be done quickly by your doctor however, this type of convenience comes with a price. Since this isn’t an extreme health related issue, but more of a cosmetic issue, it is usually not covered by insurance. Therefore, you would have to pay out of pocket which could be costly. Usually the price is also per skin tag.

Remove Skin Tags At Home

Thankfully there are options for those who do not want to have to pay the expensive premiums at the doctor’s office. There are many ways to remove skin tags at home, quickly and safely. It is important that before you start any treatments you should consult a doctor. It is important to also pay attention to the location of the skin tag. For instance, if you have a skin tag on the nipple, some of these cauterization creams or oils wouldn’t be safe if you are nursing. Some of these treatments should not be used near the eyes, eyelid, mouths, or consumed.



Top Recommendations for Skin Tag Removal at Home


tag band

An All in One Kit! This is amazing skin tag removal technology – allows for quick removal of skin tags by stopping the skin tag blood supply. TagBand is suitable for most skin tags including small ones. It is very unique, it is not a topical aid/cream/ointment like other skin tag removers. There is no need for multiple coats! It works by cutting off the blood supply to the pesky skin tag when applied correctly. Results are seen within days of use! TagBand is an extremely cost effective way to combat skin tags in areas that are hidden from view. Follow instructions for TagBand for it to be most effective – especially for after care. It is one of the best ways to remove skin tags in the groin, inner thigh, crotch, and anus. Also, it can be used discreetly in this areas to quickly get rid of your unsightly skin tag.

Check out the price of Tag Band on Amazon!

Pristine’s Wart & Mole Vanish

skin tag removal cream

Extremely Effective! Only needs one – 20 minute application session to work. Yes only one session separates you from being skin tag free! This is a topical ointment – it is pretty powerful so caution is needed when applying. It is the fastest way to get rid of skin tags. This is a cream ointment that is a perfect consistency so it doesn’t run or drip. It is a complete removal kit so it comes with an applicator for controlled application. This is a powerful cream so there might be initial burning or a burning sensation. Please be sure to apply ONLY on the skin tag. Pristine’s Wart & Mole Vanish begins working immediately – turning the skin tag black and eventually falling off within a few days.

Check out the price of Pristine Health’s Wart & Mole Vanish on Amazon!


skin tags removal cream

With HaloDerm you get the privacy to remove your skin tags or moles in the comfort of your own home. No need for an expensive doctor’s visit or surgery or embarrassing exam! HaloDerm works within hours of application. First apply HaloDerm to the moles or skin tag. Concentrate the ointment application on the unsightly skin tag or mole.  HaloDerm begins to work within hours – with differences noticed within 24 hours of application. With continued application, depending on the size of the skin tag or mole, the skin growth will begin to fade. Eventually you will not even remember you had a skin tag!

Check out the price of HaloDerm on Amazon!


Learn more about natural remedies, probiotics, & selenite as ways to prevent skin tags!


***********This is not medical advice, see a doctor before starting any treatments*************

One thought on “Skin Tag and Pregnancy

  1. Harvey Lee says:

    Informative article! Pregnancy skin tags are the hormonal imbalances that are caused during pregnancies. These hormones, in some way or the other, triggers the hyperactive growth of a few cells in the top layer of the skin, which results in skin tags. These are the best ways to treat skin tags you suggest here. Thanks for sharing.

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