
Probiotic Benefits Help to Prevent Skin Tags

probiotic benefits

First of all, What is a probiotic? Are there probiotic benefits that are measurable and proven? Yes, there are probiotic benefits. It is due to their natural state in our body that probiotics are a secret weapon that we didn’t realize we had.  They might be the best natural treatment for skin tags on our body.

What is a Probiotic?

Probiotics are actually living microorganisms. These microorganisms have amazing health benefits. Probiotics are technically bacteria. It is probably because of the term bacteria why one may be nervous about trying them. They are actually good bacteria. Probiotics have naturally exist in our system since birth, babies are first exposed to this good bacteria during childbirth. It is when the newborn reaches the birth canal, the infants GI tract begins to produce the good bacteria for the first time. Certainly, bacteria usually has a negative context to it, but in this case this is good bacteria. Maybe it is a thought that bacteria is bad.

This bacteria lives and lines your bodies digestive tract. Due to this it supports the body’s ability to not only absorb vitamins and nutrients, but also fight infections. Have you ever heard the term, gut health? Probably? Probably Not? It’s okay if not. The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) states that probiotics are live microorganisms. 

probiotic cultures

Are probiotics healthy or are they germs?

First of all, Probiotics are often grouped into the germ category once people hear the word microorganisms. However, many microorganisms make the body function properly.

Did you know that there is microorganisms in our intestines that works to digest food and produce vitamins? This good bacteria works to destroy disease causing microorganisms inside our body.The natural good bacteria naturally exists in our stomach and digestive track. The balance, gut health, dictates how we feel.

Do probiotics and probiotic supplements work? The Science Breakdown

Probiotics was introduced in the 20th century by Elie Metchnikoff. Due to this he is known as the Father of Probiotics. His research believed that by consuming good/beneficial bacteria or microorganisms that you could improve your health. Humans used to get plenty of probiotics naturally due to their diet. Humans would eat fresh vegetables and foods that were farmed naturally in good soil and used fermenting processes to prevent foods from spoiling.

Through probiotic foods, people were able to get the good bacteria they needed. It is especially relavent that probiotic foods exist.

Due to modern advances and agricultural practices, much of our food contains no probiotics and often have dangerous antibodies in them. This is due to the various treatments to “sanitize” our foods and “protect” it from pests. Since Elie Metchnikoff, researchers have continued to study probiotics and their efficacy on the health of the human body. There are many things that probiotics can treat and may even help prevent. 


Take probiotic supplements or eat probiotic foods to help with:

  • Digestive Disorders
    • Diarrhea, Antibiotic Associated Diarrhea, IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
  • Tooth Decay & Other Oral Health Problems
  • Liver Disease
  • Common Cold
  • Allergic Disorders
    • Eczema, Hay Fever
  • Colic in Infants

How Do Probiotics Work? Are there probiotic benefits?

Certainly, the benefits are substantial! Seems like they are effective in reducing inflammation, promoting healthy digestion, supporting immune system function, and helps maintain beautiful acne free and skin tag free skin. Maybe they are the secret to life, the name itself is linked to the word life.

What to look for on the probiotic supplement label:

  • Lactobacillus bulgaricus

  • Lactobacillus brevis

  • Bacillus subtilis

  • Lactobacillus rhamnosus

  • Bacillus coagulans

  • Bifidobacterium longum

  • Bifidobacterium breve

  • Saccharomyces boulardii

  • Bifidobacterium bifidum

  • Bifidobacterium infantis

  • Lactobacillus casei

  • Lactobacillus acidophilus

     There are Many Probiotic Benefits:

  • Stimulates Immune System
  • Digestive Health – provide protection from inflammatory diseases like Crohn’s disease
  • Increases efficacy of antibiotics, helps to prevent bacteria in the body from becoming resistant to antibiotics
  • May improve mental illness like depression
  • Maintains desirable level and variety of microorganisms
  • Immunity Boost & decreases inflammation
  • Lowers Blood Pressure
  • Reduces risk of developing diabetes
  • Balances the digestive tract and its walls against undesirable
  • Produces substance to combat undesirable microorganisms and inhibits their growth
  • Brings homeostasis – returns microorganisms community to normal
  • Hello Healthy Skin! Probiotics help maintaining healthy skin and helping diseased skin back to a natural, healthy state. Probiotics helps with eczema, acne,anti-aging, inflammation (inflammation causes SKIN TAGS)


What is gut health? And good gut bacteria? Do we need probiotics?

75% of our entire immune system is located and dictated by your digestive tract. Our digestive system is called our second brain and is the second largest part of our neurological system. The gut alone produces 90% of the seratonin in our bodies and significantly impacts brain function and overall mood. The human body, skin, digestive system contains roughly 2000 types of bacteria. Remember, bacteria has a bad rap…there is good bacteria.  So our guts aka stomach are very important to our health. There is about the same number of gut bacteria organisms in our body as the amount of cells in our whole body. Gut health is extremely important and dictates our overall health.

Are Probiotics Safe?

The answer to this question depends on you and your health. In general, for those who are healthy and generally healthy, probiotics are safe and have an effective track record. There is a chance, a small chance of side effects, and usually that is a bit of mild gas.

If you are not someone that is generally healthy, perhaps you are a critically ill patient, recently have had surgery or an operation, those with weak immune system, and ill infants are not recommended to take probiotics. Do not take probiotics if any of those things are true for yourself or for someone else. Do not give probiotics to someone if any of those things are true for them.

Important Things to Consider

  1. Do not avoid going to the doctor or your health provider and simply take health products like probiotics. It is important to always seek about medical advice before starting a new health product that may be replacing scientifically proven treatments that your doctor will recommend.
  2. Consult your doctor or health provider before taking a probiotic supplement. This is especially true if you have a history of health problems and issues. It is important to communicate with your health provider exactly what other health approaches and treatments you are using. Treatments should complement one another, not take away benefits.
  3. Consult your doctor if you are pregnant or nursing. Also if you are considering giving probiotics or any dietary supplement to your child.


Probiotics Don’t Work Due to…

So there are many things that you are doing WRONG that are affecting the quality of your life and the quality of the bacteria in your gut. If you ever wonder, why do I always get sick? Why do I always feel lousy? LISTEN UP – I will tell you.

  1. Sugar Intake – Avoid excess sugar intake, avoid processed sugar all together
  2. GMO – Diet dictates a lot, GMO foods are the worst
  3. Alcohol – Red wine is okay
  4. Smoking
  5. Lack of Exercise
  6. Poor Sleep
  7. Over Sanitation


How To EAT Your Probiotics – Which Foods have Probiotics & Probiotic Foods

  1. Kefir – fermented dairy product similar to yogurt

  2. Sauerkraut – fermented cabbage and veggies

  3. Natto – popular Japanese fermented soybean dish

  4. Kimchi – similar to sauerkraut but with a Korean spin

  5. Yogurt – The Most Popular, must have live cultures, not all yogurt is created the same

  6. Miso – made from fermented soybeans, it is a staple in Japanese and Chinese diets

  7. Kombucha – fermented beverage

  8. Kvass- fermented beverage found in Eastern Europe

  9. Raw Dairy -goat’s milk and sheep’s milk are high in probiotics,  all pasteurized dairy no longer has healthy bacteria

Dog Skin Tag Removal

Are There Probiotics For Dogs?

Seems like animals have good bacteria in their digestive tracts too. Seems like their bodies and health are not too far off from humans. This good gut bacteria helps to digest food, fight off any potential harmful bacteria or pathogens, makes nutrients/vitamins, and helps boost immune system. All just like us!

The vet may suggest taking probiotics if your pet has diarrhea or gets sick often without any reason. There are the same probiotic benefits for dogs.


There are many different ways that your dog can take probiotics:

  • Yogurt or Kefir – These probiotic foods need to have live cultures to be considered probiotic foods.
  • Capsule/Pill
  • Powder
  • Chews
  • Dog Food

Look for these bacterias when purchasing probiotics for dogs:

  • Lactobacillus acidophilus

  • Enterococcus faecium

  • Bifidobacterium lactis

  • Lactobacillus casei

  • Bifidobacterium breve


Skin Tags & Probiotics Conclusion

Conclusion, Health is all about balance. So Probiotics provide the balance we need in our bodies to prevent us from getting sick and creates the homeostasis we need. Therefore by taking probiotics, this helps to decrease inflammation. Most noteworthy that Inflammation can be found all over the body including face, neck, back, legs, groin, and anus. Inflammation and friction are causes of skin tags. Take probiotics if you have issues with your skin like acne, inflammation, and also helps with anti-aging. Probiotics also help to reduce the chances of developing diabetes. Diabetes is directly linked to skin tags, so by taking probiotics daily you can help fight skin tags. Gut health is important and dictates our overall health. Now that you know you can stop skin tags before they occur, what are you waiting for? Start taking probiotics today to fight for your health, skin, and overall happiness.

Types of Probiotics:

benefits of probiotics

 Smarter Probiotics

  • 100% soil-based probiotic
  • 10 Billion CFU
  • Probiotics Dietary Supplement

Check out the price of Smarter Probiotics at Amazon!  Free shipping.

probiotic supplements


USDA Organic Liquid Probiotic by Mary Ruth

  • USDA Organic, vegan, raw, paleo, gluten free, plant based, non-gmo, corn free, soy free, nut free.
  • Probiotic sourced from Organic Grass and soil.
  • Liquid probiotics that are raw and alive.
  • Made in small batches in the USA, Family owned and operated business.
  • Odorless and tasteless.

Check out the price of Organic Liquid Probiotic by Mary Ruth at Amazon!

Thanks for visiting! Would you like to know more about skin tags?

Do you have an interest in figuring out the difference between a mole, skin tag, wart, or skin cancer? Or perhaps how to remove skin tags at home with an over the counter treatment kit or even all natural ways to remove skin tags. Skin tags aren’t just for humans, dogs and other animals get skin tags too. Learn more today! What are you waiting for?


* This is not medical advice.  Please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment for any illness or disease.


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