
How To Get Rid Of Skin Tags On Eyelid & Eyes

Skin Tag Removal Eye

Skin tags are found everywhere, even on the face. There are skin tags on eyelid, eyes itself, face, and neck. Often babies who rub their eyes too much get skin tags. You may wonder what is a skin tag? What is this skin tag on my eyelid?

A skin tag or acrochordons are small flaps of skin colored tissue that hangs off the body by another piece of tissue or a stalk. A skin tag is a soft, skin growth that looks like a little shriveled raisin or grain of rice.

Skin tags are not dangerous and do not pose a medical threat. They are more annoying than anything. Skin tags will not cause you any pain. They are more of a cosmetic burden. A skin tag might cause you discomfort if a piece of jewelry or clothing pulls on it causing irritation or perhaps bleeding.

A doctor may use the following terms to describe a skin tag like:

  • fibroepithelial polyp
  • cutaneous papilloma
  • and soft fibroma.

    skin tag, skin tag removal, wart removal, skin tag treatment

Skin tags can be commonly mistaken for warts, however a skin tag on the eye is pretty easy to identify. However, safely treating without causing danger to your eye is going to be the more interesting part.

If there are any uncertainties about what the skin growth is, it is best to seek out a medical professional since you are dealing with the eye.

Skin tag are harmless, benign, noncancerous skin growth. However due to its location by the eye or on the eyelid could cause irritation, or grow large enough where it becomes bothersome. Since we are dealing with a very sensitive part of the body (the eye!), we will be reviewing and digging into various forms of treatments that can be tried to treat skin tags on the eye. Safety is key!

If the skin tag in question is dangerously close to the eye and you do not feel 100% confident, please seek out a doctor. The last thing you would ever want is to put your health and vision at stake. Use best judgment!

What are the causes of skin tags near the eyes and skin tags on the eyelids?


Skin tags tend to find themselves on the eyelids…but why?  Skin tags occur when skin rubs against skin or clothing against skin causing friction. Simple motions like rubbing your eyes could be a reason why skin tags could develop on the eyelids. This is why it is extremely common for children to have skin tags on their eyes, from incessant eye rubbing. If you feel the need to rub your eyes throughout the day…stop! Make a conscious effort to realize when you are doing it and change the behavior. You may be causing your own skin tags! Another reason could be the eyelid skin rubbing against each other as you blink. Now that is something no matter hard you try, you cannot stop. It’s like sneezing with your eyes open…near impossible!

Did you know the average person blinks 15-20 times per minute?

Obesity and genetics are a big suspect of skin tags. If there are people in your family that have skin tags, there is a good chance you also will get skin tags. Age is another reason…skin tags are often found on our skin as we get older. Also if you have HPV – Human Papillomavirus- your chances of getting skin tags are increased. At the end of the day, the eyelids are an area of skin and skin tags love to spring up on the body’s skin folds.

There are a few home skin tag remover kits that you can try to remove the skin tags that are near your eyes and near the eyelids. It is important to use caution when dealing with the area near your eye. A steady hand is key. If the skin tag on your eye or eyelid is too close to your eye – it may be best to throw in the towel and see the doctor if its bothering you. It cannot be stressed enough how delicate the area near the eye is. That area is very sensitive – if you have sensitive skin also, some treatments you try could cause some irritation.


Here are a few remedies for eyelid skin tag removal –
how to get rid of skin tags on the eyelid area:

  • Tea Tree Oil

An All Natural Method. Tea Tree Oil is a natural skin tag removal method. Sometimes when dealing with a sensitive area, it may be best to go with an all natural product. Apply the tea tree oil with a cotton swab or q-tip for controlled application. It is most effective with the medication is applied directly to the skin tag or group of skin tags. Tea Tree oil can irritate the eye so please be careful when applying. Skin tag removal with tea tree oil can take some time so patience is key. It is estimated to take anywhere from 1-2 months of diligent application. By diligent, that means every day. Tea Tree Oil has been shown to work in some by doing daily applications.

Check out the Price of Tea Tree Oil on Amazon!

  • TagBand

All in One Kit! This is amazing skin tag removal technology – allows for quick removal of skin tags by stopping the skin tag blood supply. TagBand is suitable for most skin tags including small. This isn’t a topical aid so no creams or ointments needed. Results are seen within days of use. TagBand is an extremely cost effective way to combat skin tags. Follow instructions for TagBand for it to be most effective – especially for after care.

Check out the Price of TagBand on Amazon!

  • Wart & Mole Vanish

Extremely Effective! Only needs 1 – 20 minute application session to work. This is a topical ointment – it is pretty powerful so caution is needed when applying near the eye. The eye is very sensitive so this could cause irritation if not careful. This may not be the safest way to remove the eye skin tag. It is the fastest way to get rid of skin tags. This is a cream ointment that is a perfect consistency so it doesn’t run or drip. It is a complete removal kit so it comes with an applicator for controlled application. This is a powerful cream so there might be initial burning or a burning sensation upon application of product to the skin tag. Please be sure to apply ONLY on the skin tag. Wart & Mole Vanish begins working immediately – turning the skin tag black and eventually falling off within a few days.

Check out the Price of Wart & Mole Vanish on Amazon!


Should I go to the doctor to remove the skin tag on my eye or eyelid?

It is all up to you. To go to the doctors will be costly, but peace of mind doesn’t really have a value to it. There will be be costs to seeing the doctor, consultation, perhaps biopsy, and then to surgically remove it? All will be costly. Unfortunately, usually skin tag removal is not covered by insurance companies. So this would be something you would have to pay directly out of pocket for which won’t be cheap. Skin tags can be left alone, living their lives as a fleshy little friend that dangles off your eyelid. If that is not the life you want with your fellow traveler, perhaps seeing a doctor for removal options are a good idea for you.

Or trying an at home skin tag removal kit that will cost you less than $100.
$100 for skin tag freedom isn’t a bad price either! Talk to your doctor’s if there are any concerns or before you try any treatments at home!


==> If you have skin tags on other parts of the body, there are some quick and easy skin removal kits that can help get rid of your skin tags by yourself!


***This is not medical advice – please see a medical professional before implementing any treatments or diagnosis***