
How to get rid of a skin tag on the body

Welcome to Safe Skin Tag Removal! Skin tags have been around since the dawn of time. That does not make them okay or that they are welcome.

It also does not mean that we have not found ways to fight them off. If you have found a skin tag on your body, you have found the right source to figure out how to get rid of a skin tag. Skin tag are hideous and embarrassing.

They appear in odd places all over the body. They are not cute and they are not your friend. But they are not dangerous so that is always a good thing. Let’s learn more about what is a skin tag, what causes them, and how to get rid of a skin tag on different parts of the body.


What are Skin Tags?

Skin tags are gross! True.

Skin tags are dangerous! False.

Today we are going to debunk some skin tags myths and get down to the details. Skin tags are actually pieces of skin. They are made of fibrous tissues and are physically attached to the skin and body. Skin tags are attached to the human body by something called a stalk.

They appear very odd or foreign. But they are apart of us. Skin tags are also called acrochordons or skin tabs. They should not cause you pain unless they are pulled on by jewelry or clothing string or even by you! Everyone gets skin tags.

Many of us have skin tags on our bodies and do not even realize it. There are many places on the body that skin tags like to appear…but what causes them?


Skin Tag Causes: How to Get Rid of a Skin Tag

Why me skin tag?

That may be the first thought that comes to your mind. Why me? Why my body?

What did I do to deserve this wrinkled raisin like skin growth? There are many theories as to why we get skin tags.

Everyone gets skin tags. No one is immune. Skin tags usually appear in groups or clusters. Think of them like a little skin tag crew. They are more common once you reach a certain age.

Middle aged folks tend to be more susceptible to skin tags. Talk about a mid-life crisis…not only are you getting older and your body is changing. But you also are more inclined for skin tags. Besides age, there are other reasons why we get skin tags.


What Causes Skin Tags? Is anything preventable?

Skin tags appear on everyone. They are not cancerous or signs of cancer. They are benign skin growths, so they are non cancerous.

You are more susceptible to skin tags as you age.  But even children get skin tags. Here are the many causes of skin tags. There are many factors that contribute to skin tags. Some things we can control and some things we cannot.

  • Friction: Skin tags love friction. Friction is caused by the movement of the body. It is the force between the skin-to-skin movement or from clothing-to-skin. The constant rubbing can cause irritation to your skin resulting in a skin tag. Tight fitting clothing is a big factor in skin tags. Next time you try to squeeze into your favorite pair of skinny jeans, you may want to think twice. It does not matter if you are a couch potato or an athlete, friction affects anyone.


  • Obesity:  There is a direct connection between skin tags and obesity. A study was done in 2011 regarding skin tags and obesity. The results were astonishing. The study showed that those who are obese have more skin tags than those who are not obese. They determined who was obese and non-obese by comparing their BMI index and a few other factors. If you would like to read more about this study, continue here.


  • Age: As previously stated, age is also a factor in skin tag development. In the study that was done in 2011, it showed that the number of skin tags increased with age. Skin tags are almost guaranteed as you get older. Think of it like gray hair, but instead it is a shriveled bit of skin dangling from your body


  • Genetics: Unfortunately, skin tags are hereditary. They may be a genetic condition. If multiple people in your family have skin tags, you will probably get them too. You don’t need to worry. Soon you will know how to get rid of a skin tag and you can share the information with your skin tag covered family members


  • HPV: Human Papillomavirus or HPV is connected to skin tags. There was a study done in 2008 to review the connection between skin tags and HPV. They discovered that the HPV virus was present in almost 50% of the skin tags they examined. So if you have HPV, over time you will get skin tags.


  • Insulin Resistance: Insulin Resistance is frightening in general. If you are insulin resistant, this is something you need to be monitoring. Insulin Resistance is a predecessor (early signs) for Type 2 Diabetes and early signs of Heart Disease. These health problems are caused by bad genes and diet. Some things you cannot control (hereditary issues). But some things you can (what you put in your body aka your diet). A study was done in 2010 regarding insulin resistance and skin tag growths. The results showed that those who have insulin resistance cannot absorb glucose effectively. Their bodies simply cannot process it. The study showed a direct link between insulin resistance and skin tags.


  • Pregnancy: Congratulations! It’s a Skin Tag! Pregnancy is supposed to be a miraculous and wonderful time in a woman’s life. Hormones are all over the place! These hormones and the imbalance of hormones cause many side effects. The imbalance could affect your emotions or cause different sensitivities. Many women suffer from swollen extremities like their feet and ankles. Some women get acne…and some women get skin tags. It is quite normal to get skin tags during pregnancy. It is a normal side effect that many women see while they are pregnant. Again, this is due to the changes in the human body during pregnancy. Due to the surge of hormones, skin tags can appear all over the body including the neck, face, anus,  and vaginal area.

To learn more about skin tags and pregnancy, check out this article to expose skin tag pregnancy.

As you can see there are many variables as to why we get skin tags. It is also important to remember that as much as we hate skin tags and think they are hideous, they are still apart of us and our bodies.

So, it is important to keep in mind the best practices for removal when you are looking up how to get rid of a skin tag on the human body.

We will start looking into the many areas that you can get a skin tag…starting from the head and moving down the body. Not all skin tag removal treatments are created equal, so it is important to know what is the best way to remove skin tags based on where it is located.


How To Get Rid Of A Skin Tag: As Easy As 1, 2, 3

There are many ways to remove skin tags. For some they have found that going to the dermatologist is the best option for them.

Others prefer to do skin tag removal at home. Others prefer home remedies for skin tag removal. It is up to you on what you decide, but before you do it is important to consider all the factors.

  • First is the location of the skin tag. Some skin tags are in very embarrassing locations that you may not want anyone to see…including a professional! Other skin tags are in areas where you may need a trained professional to remove it for you.
  • The second factor is time. Skin tag removal at home and various home remedies for skin tags can take some time for the product to work and for you to see results. Some skin tag removal kits and skin tag removal creams need to be applied everyday. On the other hand, a trip to the dermatologist’s office can result in skin tag removal the same day.
  • The last factor is Money, Hunny! How much are you willing to shell out for a visit to the dermatologists office? Skin tag removal by a doctor is not cheap. It is also not covered by the insurance companies. It is considered a cosmetic process so it would completely out of pocket for the patient. The price is usually per skin tag! Yes, each skin tag removed is a charge. They could end up being around $300 per skin tag. Skin tag removal products are affordable and can be done in the privacy and luxury of your own home.

The skin tag removal kit is sent directly to your front door. Also, many skin tag removal kits have enough product to treat multiple skin tags. There are many great skin tag removal kits you can use to remove skin tags all over the body. If you are interested in learning how to get rid of a skin tag that’s on your body…keep reading!


Skin Tag on the Face! How to Get Rid of a Skin Tag or Skin Tags on Face

Were you ever called pizza face as a kid?

Kids can be so cruel. Just imagine being called skin tag face!

I had a skin tag on my face as a kid and let me tell you…kids are cruel. Like many others, skin tags are hereditary in my family. Skin tags appear in many locations of the body including the face. The face is a very common place for a skin tag to form.

Common locations to see a skin tag on face include:

  • Cheek
  • Lips
  • Nose
  • Forehead
  • Chin
  • Eye/Eyelid

The face is a very noticeable area…it is the first thing people see when they look at us.

The face also is a place where you cannot hide having a skin tag. They also may be very bothersome if they are located on the eye. Personally, I have a bad habit of picking at things on my face (acne & blemishes & also why my facial piercings never would last).

Do not pick at your skin tag on your face. This will only cause it to get irritated and hurt. Remember, skin tags are apart of us and they are not the enemy.

They are definitely more of a Frenemy…it is important to treat them so that they go away (and never come back hopefully). There are many different treatments that people try to remove skin tags at home. Here are the best products to remove skin tags at home.

There are many skin tag removal products on the market. Not all of them are safe to use on your face or near your eyes.

There are certain areas of the face that are very sensitive. These areas are near the mouth, eyes and eyelids, and near the nose. These areas of the face have mucous membranes which make them very susceptible for irritation.

If you have a skin tag in these areas, please be careful before you start any skin tag removal treatments yourself. Since there are many areas on the face where skin tags develop, there will be skin tag removal recommendation for each  individual area below.

How To Get Rid of A Skin Tag On Eyelid or Near the Eye

The eye is a very common place for skin tags to appear. Many get skin tags on the eye or near the eye. When choosing a skin tag removal product, you should always read the entire instructions. This includes the dangers and side effects! Knowledge is power so it is important to arm ourselves with this information.

The recommended treatments vary depending on how close to the eye and eyelid the skin tag is. If you have a skin tag on the eyelid, it may be best to avoid a very liquid or cream based treatment so it does not drip near the eye. Many of these treatments are very powerful and should avoid all direct contact with the eye.

What is the best treatment for skin tags by the eye?

This is the top skin tag removal product for skin tags by the eye (not on the eye or on the eyelid). Pristine Health provides an impactful product with their Wart & Mole Vanish.

The two words that come to mind when you think of this skin tag remover are: efficient and effective. You only need one treatment session for results. The session takes about 20 minutes.

This is a topical ointment and cauterization cream. Be very careful during application near the eye. If your eyes are sensitive, this treatment is not recommended. During the treatment, your eyes may water or be irritated. Always read the full instructions before applying to your skin tag by your eye.

Apply the ointment directly on the skin tag, do not allow it to drip. They provide a complete removal kit so it comes with an applicator for controlled application.

This is a powerful cream so there might be initial burning or a burning sensation upon application of product to the skin tag. Please be sure to apply ONLY on the skin tag.

Wart & Mole Vanish begins working immediately – turning the skin tag black and eventually falling off within a few days. There is enough cream for multiple skin tag treatments.

This product is more on the pricey side but it’s results say it all. Wart & Mole Vanish will banish the skin tag near your eye after one, 20 minute session.

==>  For a full review, and how to buy Pristine Health’s Wart & Mole Vanish now, visit my article here.

This is the best skin tag removal treatment for skin tags by your eye but is not the best treatment for skin tags on the eyelid. Please take note! There is a better skin tag removal treatment for skin tags on the eyelid.

What if my skin tag is on the eye lid? What treatments are safe?

Skin tags on eyelids are quite problematic. This area is quite common for skin tags to form.

Skin tags are caused by friction and often we find ourselves rubbing our eyes. We also blink!

We blink so many times throughout the day and in our life time. It is one of those motor functions that we do not even realize we are doing. This is something we cannot control, it simply occurs.

The eyelids are a common place for children to get skin tags. The eye area and our eyelids are very sensitive. It is very important that the best skin tag removal treatment is chosen so that it can safely remove skin tags without the risk of injury to your eye and vision.

If you have a skin tag on your eyelid, do not use a cauterization cream or a liquid product. These types of products are quite powerful and could cause irritation if they come in contact with your eye area and eyelid.

The best way to remove skin tags on the eyelid is with TagBand.

==>For more information on how TagBand works, a full review, and step by step application tips, visit this link!

TagBand provides an all in one skin tag removal kit. It is complete with everything you need to safely remove your skin tag from the privacy of your own home.

TagBand is very unique and quickly removes skin tags by stopping the blood supply. This is not a topical aid so there is no cream or ointment to apply. TagBand is perfect for all size skin tags from small to large. It can be painful for some since it is cutting off the blood supply for the skin tag on the eyelid.


Skin tag removal at home can be very daunting. Skin tags on your face and neck are very embarrassing and ugly to look at. They lower your self esteem and make you feel very embarrassed. No one should feel like they are no longer in control of their body and physique. Skin tags on necks and skin tags on faces can be eliminated…here is how!

How To Get Rid Of Skin Tags On The Neck

Skin tags on necks is a very popular spot. Many see skin tags on their neck due to friction from their clothing, backpacks/handbags, jewelry, etc. Often we may not realize we have a skin tag on our neck, until it is snagged by clothing or jewelry.

Skin tags are not physically painful until they are pulled on. But they definitely are emotionally painful. Here are the best products to remove skin tags that are found on our necks and faces.

The small skin tags on the neck are called papilloma colli and are around 2-5mm in size. The neck is a very common place for skin tags. Skin tags love folds and the folds of the neck are a perfect habitat for skin tags to thrive. Here are the top recommendations for skin tag removal products that get rid of skin tags on the neck.


Best Products to Remove Skin Tags on Neck

There are two recommended products that work quickly to remove skin tags on the neck. Due to their location, cauterization creams may be the best way to remove skin tags at home. Always make sure to apply the product directly on the skin tag on neck. Make sure to focus the application on the skin tag only and avoid the good/healthy skin around it. Use one of these top recommended skin tag removal creams if you do not want to visit the dermatologists office and have a pricey bill.

HaloDerm Advanced Mole & Skin Tag Remover is most optimal treatment for skin tags on the neck

==>For a more in depth review of these two top skin tag removal kits, please visit this review!

Learn more about application tips, differences in products, and Pros & Cons of Both!

Skin tags are found all over the body…the face and the neck are just some of the noticeable areas. Many are too embarrassed to talk about their embarrassing skin tags and think they are all alone. Skin tags are found on the arms and especially the armpit.


Remove Your Skin Tag in Arm Pits & Under Your Arms

Were you raising the roof or showing off your favorite dance moves when you realized you had a skin tag in your armpit and underarm area? Were your hands in the air, waving like you just don’t care when you saw something out of the corner of your eye.

It’s a skin tag!Skin tags in armpit areas are quite common. Actually, many athletes especially those who do a lot of arm movements, get skin tags in armpits.

Skin tags are caused by friction. The underarm area sees a lot of friction!

Many of the latest fashion trends include tight, form fitting clothing. Even athletic wear is very tight. Tight fighting clothing causes skin tags due to the friction of the clothing rubbing against your skin.

Since skin tags are dark in coloring, a skin tag in armpit area is very noticeable. It is also extremely embarrassing! There are many great ways to remove and get rid of a skin tag under the arm. Since it is not near the eye or any mucous membrane areas, the options are endless.


Best Treatments for Skin Tag in Arm Pit Removal

The following treatments are perfect for safe skin tag removal at home. They are the best over the counter skin tag removal treatments and work effectively to remove skin tags in armpits. Due to the folds in the arm area, skin tags often form there. It is recommended to try a cauterization cream to remove skin tags in the armpits. This way it will remove the whole skin tag in one attempt. There are natural skin tag removal treatments you could try like tea tree oil, but those take a lot of time and multiple daily applications. Here are the best skin tag removal treatments for skin tags in armpits.

  1. HaloDerm Advanced Mole & Skin Tag Remover
  2. Pristine Health’s Wart & Mole Vanish
  3. Tea Tree Oil


HaloDerm and Wart & Mole Vanish are some of the top over the counter skin tag removal kits available. They are efficient and effective! They can be shipped to the privacy of your own door. To learn more about these two skin tag removal products and a comparison, please check out this other article that you may just love!

As we move our way down the body, there is a very popular spot that skin tags are found. Skin tags on the groin and inner thigh are very popular and nothing ruins bathing suit season like a skin tag!


GROSS! Skin Tags on Groin & Inner Thigh are The Worst


This is the most embarrassing area a skin tag could be so far. It is the most embarrassing because it is in a place that you do not see. Sometimes it may not be you that finds the skin tag on your groin. Nothing ruins bathing suit season more than a skin tag on your groin. The groin area is the area of your inner thigh near the pelvic region. It is a nice way of saying your crotch region. It is where your inner thighs, butt, and pubic area meet. Skin tags in the crotch and inner thigh are embarrassing especially if you are being intimate with someone. They may think you have hemorrhoids or genital warts. Skin tags and warts are not the same. They are skin conditions and skin growths  but they are different.

To learn more about warts and skin growths and how they are different from skin tags, review this article!


How To Get Rid of Skin Tags on Groin & Inner Thigh

Skin tags on groins are very common. This is one of the locations that both myself and close friends have gotten skin tags. The true test of friendship is helping to examine your friend’s inner thigh and crotch because they can’t quite see. Unless they are incredibly flexible! Skin tags often appear in the groin due to friction of our clothing. This area is quite embarrassing to get a skin tag and would be a very embarrassing trip to the dermatologists office. To avoid the embarrassment, there are great over the counter skin tag removal treatments you can do at home. Here are the top skin tag removal treatments for skin tags on groin and inner thigh.

SkinPro Skin Tag Remover & Mole Corrector: SkinPro is a fantastic product that is very easy to use and is ideal for skin tags near the groin. They also have a 100% No Risk Satisfaction Guarantee!

Now that the groin and inner thigh are handled…there is another area that skin tags thrive! This area often gets skin tags and we may not even know it. Skin tags on anus area is very much a thing and they aren’t going anywhere unless you do something about it!


What Causes My Anal Skin Tags?


Anus skin tags are a thing. They are scary, ugly, and haunt you in your dreams. Skin tags on the anus cause low self esteem and are socially crippling. To an untrained eye, anus skin tags could be mistaken for something else like herpes!

Anal skin tags and skin tags by anus are very common. They are known as rectal skin tags and are a soft skin growth that hangs off the anus or in the anus. Often anal skin tags are misdiagnosed as genital warts or piles (another type of warts). Always seek medical attention if you are uncertain.

Always avoid a misdiagnosis if possible. It is always okay to seek professional medical advice. Remember, anus skin tags are harmless and they are not contagious.

The anal area is made up of skin which expands during bowel movements. This flexibility and loose skin makes the anus a prime location for skin tags to flourish!  Skin is made of blood vessels and is full of blood vessels.

Anus skin tags are caused when the blood vessels near the anus swell up. This is due to the creation of extra skin because of the expanded blood vessels. Even once the swelling from the blood vessel goes down the extra skin flap has already been created.

To learn more about skin tags by anus causes, please continue to this link! Hold onto your butts!


How To Get Rid of Skin Tags by Anus

Bend over! It’s time to remove your anal skin tags or rectal skin tags if you are feeling fancy. Skin tag removal doesn’t have to be scary or embarrassing. The following skin tag removal products can be done in the privacy of your own home. All of these products can be purchased discreetly online and shipped directly to your front door. Here are the best skin tag removal products for skin tags by anus and skin tags in anus.  Since the anus is a very sensitive area, it is best to use a treatment that works very fast.

Our recommendation is Pristine Health’s Wart & Mole Remover

These products are effective and work to remove skin tags by the anus and in the anus. Due to their location on the body, you my need some assistance to apply the product correctly. As previously stated, always make sure you read the full instructions in order to properly use the skin tag remover product. This will ensure you much more success and will help to remove your skin tag the first time around. The skin tag removal treatments listed are not considered home remedies for skin tags.  If you are interested in using home remedies for skin tags, please check out this article that goes into detail regarding various home remedies for skin tags you can try.

Skin Tag Removal: Best Tips to Safely Remove Skin Tags

The human body is made of skin. The skin is the largest organ for the human body. As you have learned skin tags can be found all over the body. Here are some of the best tips to remove skin tags safely! Your safety and the safety of your loved ones are most important.

  1. Always read the instructions first. In order for the skin tag removal treatment to be effective, you have to read the instructions
  2. Choose your skin tag removal product based on the location of the skin tag.  The efficacy of some skin tag removal products work better on some locations than others. Also, safety is a huge factor. Some products are not safe for sensitive areas like the eyelid or near the eyes.
  3. Seek a professional to determine if you have a skin tag or not. You do not want to accidentally misdiagnose yourself.
  4. Have a friend help! The location of your skin tag could be in a precarious location and you need someone else’s help to properly apply the removal product. The efficacy of the skin tag removal product depends on proper application. Always make sure to avoid the healthy, surrounding skin. Always concentrate your efforts on the skin tag itself.
  5. Worried about using powerful skin tag removal products? Try using a home remedy instead. These take a bit more time, so if you are patient, they do work.
  6. Don’t be embarrassed to talk about your skin tag! We all get skin tags. Many have skin tags on them now and do not even realize or care.
  7. Seek a medical professional if you do not want to remove skin tags yourself. Going to the doctor’s office is always an option. It will be pricey but sometimes you need to pay for peace of mind.


Thank you for visiting and taking the time to review skin tags on the body. The skin tag removal products that have been mentioned are some of the top products available. They are all available online and can be purchased and shipped directly to your door. Skin tag removal doesn’t need to be cumbersome. Anyone can do it! Take back your confidence and safely remove skin tags today!


***This is an opinion. This is not medical advice. This is not a substitute for seeking professional medical help. Always seek a doctor before starting new treatments***

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