
Neck Skin Tags! How to Get Rid of Skin Tags on Neck

Skin Tag Neck

So you have a skin tag on the neck. Maybe its only one, or maybe it is a cluster of skin tags on your neck. How did you even realize it? Maybe in the shower or getting dressed, maybe shaving or maybe something pulled on it causing you some pain. Don’t worry, the pain you felt is because you pulled on the skin tag. Skin tags are pieces of fibrous tissue. The fancy name for skin tags is acrochordons.

Here are some other technical terms for skin tags:

Papilloma Colli is the name for small skin tags on the neck!

Skin tags or skin tabs are ugly little skin grows that appear on the skin…and they love to appear on the neck in particular. They are usually small, about 2-5mm in size. They are harmless and painless,

unless you pull on them. Skin tags are benign, non cancerous tumors, and many people in their lives will have at least one.

Actually, some people could have one skin tag or multiple skin tags. Skin tags often go unnoticed, until they are pulled on or brushed up against, and then you can’t stop thinking about it.  If your unsure about your skin tag being cancerous please take our skin cancer quiz here.


A skin tag is a piece of soft skin that is hanging from a tiny connective piece of tissue called a stalk. It often looks like a tiny grain of rice or small raisin hanging from the neck or other body part. Skin tags tend to appear after middle age, so the older you are the higher the chances are that you will get a skin tag on the neck or somewhere else. Both men and women get skin tags equally, there are no stud

ies to show that one gets more skin tags then the other.The neck is a very common place for a skin tag because they often appear where there is friction. Friction could be caused from your neck skin rubbing against clothing or backpack or jewelry.


Skin tags love to find their homes in the creases of our skin folds, especially on the neck.

Some have skin tags on the neck and never notice them. Skin tags also can rub off or fall off on their own. Skin tags can be smooth or rough in appearance which is why sometimes they could be mistaken for warts. They can be spotted however by the stalk or peduncle that it hangs from. Since the skin tag is essentially tissues and bits of skin, it can be skin colored – slightly brownish, sometimes pretty dark brown. A skin tag on the neck isn’t a sign of cancer, but it is pretty noticeable and it could affect your appearance. That is why a lot of people get their skin tags removed, a neck skin tag is just ugly and hard to hide year round.

Causes of Neck Skin Tags:

  • Friction – items rubbing against the neck like clothing, jewelry, backpacks, etc.
  • Age – after you hit middle age, people are more prone to getting skin tags
  • Genetics – genes have a lot to do with skin tags. If people in your family have skin tags, you have an increased chance of also getting skin tags.
  • Insulin Resistance – studies have shown that is you are insulin resistance, you have an increased chance of skin tags. Also if someone has type 2 diabetes, they are prone to skin tags.
  • Pregnancy – during pregnancy and all the changing hormone, many women get a few skin tags on the neck
  • HPV – if someone has Human Papilloma Virus, studies have shown they have an increased chance for skin tags
  • Obesity – those who are obese tend to have more skin tags on their neck and on the body

==>  Check out more causes of skin tags here

There are two ways you can treat your skin tag

  1. by seeing a doctor to remove the skin tag for you
  2. you can try some at home skin tag removal products that can be shipped right to your door.  Check out our home at home skin tag remedy reviews here.

The following procedures can be done by a dermatologist to remove the neck skin tag:

  • Cauterization: The skin tag is burned off
  • Cryosurgery: The skin tag is frozen off using liquid nitrogen
  • Ligation: The blood supply to the skin tag is cut off/stopped
  • Excision: The tag is cut out with a scalpel or medical scissors

Will the insurance company pay for skin tag removal on the neck?

All these medical procedures are great, but they probably won’t be covered by insurance. Since the skin tag isn’t causing a medical problem, to remove it would not be covered by insurance.

Since the skin tag on the neck is not on the eyelid or close to the eye, there are many at home natural skin tag removal kits that you can try.

Top Recommended Removal Products that Get Rid of Skin Tags on Neck:

  1. Pristine Herbal’s Wart & Mole Vanish
  2. SkinPro Skin Tag Remover & Mole Corrector
  3. TagBand Skin Tag Removal

There are some home remedies that you could try to remove the skin tags on neck, due to its location on the neck, often skin tags on neck will get caught by a hair or string from the clothing. This ties off the skin tag, cutting off the blood flow. You could try this yourself with some string or floss for an at home, all-natural removal remedy. It’s a great way to remove skin tags with items found around the house.

To make things a little easier, TagBand skin tag removal is a better alternative. The removal kit is complete for multiple uses on all the skin tags on the neck you may have.

==>Do you know the difference between skin tags and cancer?  Take our quiz here to find out the difference that might save your life.

****This is not medical advice, see a doctor before any treatments or diagnosis***