
Skin Tag Treatments Without Scars & Scarring

Doctor Skin Tag

Skin Tags…Moles…Blemishes!!! What have we done in our past lives to deserve such punishment? And on our skin? Our beautiful skin…what can we do to get rid of these skin growths without leaving permanent scars? Makeup and lotions can only take us so far when the blemish in question is literally hanging off our skin. Skin tag treatment is needed now!

Thankfully modern medicine and science is on our side when it comes to dermatology.

Skin tags

are harmless growths that are found on the neck, face, chest, anus and various other skin flaps like the anus. A skin tag or by its medical name, acrochordon, is a small flap of skin colored tissue that hangs off the body by another piece of tissue or a stalk. A skin tag is usually a soft skin growth. Skin tags can be on anyone and be on various parts of the body.


appear at a younger age. In one’s life, a mole could change in color, perhaps grow hairs, or it may not change at all. Moles occur when cells called melanocytes grow in a cluster instead of spread out throughout the skin. These cells also give moles the pigment that they have, but over time a mole could darken due to exposure to the sun.  Both moles and skin tags are harmless unless irritated by jewelry or thread from clothing.  Now you may be wondering…

Do I really need to remove my mole or skin tag?


The answer is up to you. Unless your doctor has advised you that your mole needs treatment or to be removed...Removing a skin tag or mole is a cosmetics decision meaning there is no real medical purpose, but more of a cosmetic purpose.  Since that is the case, often insurance companies do not cover the removal of mole or skin tags since there is no medical reason to remove it. (If that is the case, all situations vary).

How does the dermatologist remove the skin tag or mole without scarring?

There are a few techniques dermatologist’s could use to remove the skin tag with their medical equipment and supplies.

At first glance, one may think, there is no way those techniques can be done without causing a scar…To burn, or freeze off, or cut off my skin growth has to cause a scar right?  If you go to the dermatologist that doesn’t have to be the case for you.  Let’s dig into each of these skin tag treatment techniques, shall we….

Techniques to Remove Skin Tags

Burn Baby Burn! Burning Off – The doctor uses an electric current that  passes through a wire that becomes hot and that is used to burn off the upper layers of the skin. This may require multiple treatments depending on the size of the mole. Skin tags are removed by burning through the piece that attaches them to the skin. The heat helps prevent bleeding by cauterizing the wound, also limiting scarring..

Freeze sucka! Freezing Off – This includes the doctor freezing the skin growth with liquid nitrogen. Your doctor will swab a small amount of colder than ice – liquid nitrogen on the blemish. You will be left with a small blister where the skin tag or mole was – but that will heal in time as long as you let it be. This should heal with minimal scarring…just don’t pick at it!

CutCutCut! Cutting Off – A doctor may snip or cut off the skin tag with one of their tools like a scalpel or surgical scissors. Some moles can be easily removed with a “shave” but other moles may have cells that penetrate the skin. In these cases, the doctor most likely will make a deeper cut to remove the entire mole. By taking the entire mole, this prevent it from growing back. A mole can come back if you don’t get the whole thing, but a skin tag does not grow back once removed. The incision may need stitches but will be treated so should heal with minimal to no scarring.  All these procedures may cause pain and discomfort.

The doctors will do their best by numbing the area before the procedure is done. Even with the pain and discomfort, the results will be worth it. Each procedure listed will result in minimal to no scarring. If you tried home remedies like cutting it off yourself…that would not be the case.  

If the doctors make you nervous there are other topical treatments that are less invasive and less painful can can be done at the comfort of your home.  You can check out or product review on topical treatments skin tag treatments from home if you click this link.

It might be best before you reach for the scissors or tape, to consult your dermatologist to make sure what you have is a skin tag or mole. It is best that they remove these for you instead of you taking it into your own hands and possibly causing more damage.  

***This is not medical advice – please see a doctor before any medical diagnosis or medical treatments treatments***

==>  Take our Skin Cancer Quiz – Can you tell the difference between Cancer and Skin tags or moles?